Corpus-based Material

 Hi, world! Our new task was to prepare a corpus-based material. We were supposed to choose a generally confused grammar or vocabulary item from the MEB English coursebook and prepare a worksheet by using corpus-based activities. I worked on the worksheet for hours... I used Canva again for this project. It was hard to choose a worksheet template suitable for the types of exercises I will be creating. Fortunately, I found one and started to prepare activities on the topic I chose from the book. The topic was "few" and "a few". For most of the students who are new to these quantifiers, it is confusing and almost meaningless. I tried to make them understand, practice and create on this topic. It was exhausting trying to find the right sentences while giving examples. I am satisfied with the outline of the worksheet and activities. This task contributed a great deal to my teaching skills. It provided me with the ability to see the activities from the eyes of the students. 

You can click here to view the worksheet.


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