Creating a Webquest

     Hi people! For this activity, I worked individually and prepared a Webquest. We were to choose a unit that captivates our interest from MEB's digital book for the English course. Unit 7 which is about Wonders of the World seemed appealing to me. We could either prepare a whole new activity or work on and improve an existing activity in the unit we choose. I preferred to create a new activity because an idea came to my mind and I thought it would be a great experience to create an activity like that. In the activity, the students will choose a Wonder of the World according to their opinion. It does not have to be one of the actual Wonders and then they will prepare a digital poster about it. 

I had never even heard the name, let alone used Webquest before. I was like a child who was discovering things. But the website itself is helpful enough. It explains what to write, how to write, and where to write. Since my idea of the activity was ready beforehand, all I needed to do was to follow the instructions on the website and put the information where needed.

You can visit my Webquest by clicking here! Enjoy.


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