My Final Post

Hello everyone. We are back together one last time. This post will be an evaluation and comment on our course. Enjoy!

 1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the course?

    I have learned many things that I've never heard of in my life. I can definitely say that this is a strength because the tools we used while doing the assignments were very useful. I will be using many of them in the future. On the other hand, there is an excessive amount of assignments. Instead of doing separate tasks for each tool or topic that has been covered, I would prefer integrating more than one tool into a material.

2. What did you find easy or difficult about the course? 

    The course was easy to understand but completing the assignments was challenging.

3. What was your most and least favorite task? Explain your choices. 

    The corpus-based teaching material was the hardest for me because I did not fully understand how to use corpus and I do not think I will be using the tool in the future that much. The Flipped teaching video was my favorite task because preparing a video, especially by using Canva is fun and easy.

4. What would be your suggestion to improve it? 

    My suggestion would be the teacher should collaborate with students more while instructing. Giving the small parts of the topic to students as a presentation assignment would enhance students' comprehension of the topic and help them to complete the other tasks more easily. 

5. What would you tell to the students who would take this course next year? 

    They shouldn't start doing the tasks the last day before the deadline...

6. How would this course contribute to your professional development?

    I now know what tools to use for various purposes while teaching and can encourage my students to gain 21st-century learning skills.



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