
Showing posts from December, 2022

Podcast: Happiness box

     Hi, world! This time, our task was to create a podcast by choosing one of the types that our professor provided us. I chose to do a podcast on "60 second idea to change the world". My idea is actually an idea that we found with my friends. I thought everyone should hear about that. The idea is ✨happines box✨. In this box, you write your happy moments on colorful papers and collect them. At the end, you will realize how much happiness you have. 😸                                                                         While preparing the podcast, I chose to use the website called "Vocaroo". You can easily record your voice and it automatically gives you a link when you save the sound. You can also download it safely. This was the easiest part of the task. I really had difficulty in finding the idea. After finding the idea, I had to speak exactly 60 seconds. At my first time trying, I went over the time limit way too long. I did not know how hard it is to explain

Problems Related to The Lack of Education in Turkey

     Hi, world! For this task, my friends Zelal, Leman, Mehmet Ali and I chose to work on the topic "Problems related to the lack of education in Turkey " and we used Padlet while doing it. Our topic was so satisfying to work on because we could get answers to our questions easily. There were many things I had been wondering but was too lazy to do research. It is relieving finally satisfying my curiosity even though it was homework 😺.         Last year, our professor used Padlet for a whole term and she used it so effectively that each and every student participated. Though I was familiar with the tool, there were many things I could not understand how to use. The appearance of Padlet is so enjoyable and colorful but it is a little disappointing to see that I could not use it easily as I expected. At least it was my first personal experience with Padlet so it is not a big problem that I messed up a little. As a 21st-century student, I am determined to get better at it so tha