Digital Storytelling
Hi, world! Our last task was digital storytelling. Again, there were options and we (Zelal, Mehmet Ali and I) chose to prepare a "How to..?" video. Honestly, I suggested choosing that because it seemed easier than the others but I was wrong. We spent days trying to choose an idea for it. We came up with different ideas over and over but could not decide. Finally, we agreed on making origami because it was fun and exactly a "how to" video. Then, we told each other what we can do and assigned tasks. Shooting the video, vocalization and editing... It was tiring but I am satisfied with the video and the origami frog we made 😊. You can watch the video and try it yourself if you want ! This task can provide a lot in a language classroom since it requires the production of language. Students will create content, maybe write a script, read it and at the same time they will hear themselves speaking. It is an all-purpose and ideal task for learners. Check out my teammates...